Thursday, December 9, 2010

Difference Between L4D 1 & 2

Aside from the plot difference, there are a few more things that differ from the two games (and they all make the second one sound even better).  First off, the groups of characters are different.  L4D 1 has Francis, Zoey, Louis, and Bill & L4D 2 has Nick, Rochelle, Coach, and Ellis.  Next, the second one has five levels (that intertwine), rather than 4 storylines that don't connect at all.  Their game modes both contain a Versus, Survival, and Campain mode, but the second game also has a Scavenge and Realism mode on top of the other three.  The second game also has a total of ten different melee weapons to choose from throughout the game (which is probably my favorite addition).  Also, the second one adds in ten new different types guns & special ammo/gun accessories.  In addition to the health pack and pills, L4D 2 includes an adrenaline injector and a defibrillator.  Also, instead of just having the normal group of infected, the second installment has three different types of infected: Zombie Clown (Dark Carnival), Hazmat Zombie (The Parish), & Mud Men (Swamp Fever).  On top of the five special zombies (Tank, Boomer, Smoker, Hunter, Witch), there are three more in L4D 2 - Charger, Spitter, Jockey.  Also, the Witches can now travel in daylight. 


  1. so basiccaly the second one is better

  2. Actually the first game's campaigns do connect, for example the crashed helicopter at the beginning of Crash Course was the one from the end of No Mercy, which crashed because the survivors, being carriers, accidentally infected the pilot.
