Thursday, December 9, 2010

Got Plot?

Left 4 Dead 1 had no connection between each storyline in the game - it was solely meant for entertainment purposes and to create separate small short storylines.  However, in the second installment, all five storyline's intertwine and make one big story arc.  In Left 4 Dead 2, the game is set in the Southern United States, starting in Savannah, Georgia & ending in New Orleans, Louisiana.  The four new characters (Nick, Rochelle,Coach, Ellis) get picked up by rescue helicopters in Savannah and go to a local mall, which turns out to be infected.  They then drive a stock car out of the mall and down to New Orleans, but along the way they come across the original Left 4 Dead characters (Francis, Zoey, Louis, Bill).  The characters then must travel through an abandoned, yet still operating, amusement park because the road is blocked off by loads of cars that are in the way.  When the characters get to the concert stage in the amusement park, they've got to sef off the fireworks and pyrotechnics to attract the attention of a helicopter pilot who will rescue them.  This loud and bright show will also attract a bajillion infected to attack you as well...but there's nothing more fun than rocking out on a groovadelic guitar and then smashing their faces in with it!  Unfortunately, their helicopter pilot is found out to be infected too, so Nick is forced to kill him and they crash into a swamp, whereupon they radio a boat captain named Virgil.  Unfortunately he needs more fuel to make it to New Orleans so they get to shore and walk through an abandoned sugar mill to get to a gas station.  Virgil then takes them to New Orleans where the military is apparently evacuating civillians...which turns out to be a cover up because they are bombing bridges to cover their retreat (wimps!).  The four survivors make it across a lift bridge and make it into the last leaving military helicopter.  From there, we don't really know what happens..buttt Chet Faliszek, the game writer, said that the military is taking survivors to cruise ships in order to avoid worldwide infection.  dun dun dun.

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